New Site….New Policies

Welcome to the GOOD part of the recent changes enacted by KARC…an updated website with a MUCH easier coordination form. Lots more improvements to come on the listings and update functionality of the site.

Now for the bad news…as you probably saw recently, ARRL no longer subsidizes our listings (It wasn’t much to start with). So in order to continue to support repeater owners in Kansas, we will need their support.

Second good news, we hope by implementing an annual coordination fee, that we can finally reduce the number of paper repeaters that continue to linger on for no good reason.

More details on the coordination support fees will be coming soon.



6 comments on “New Site….New Policies

Greetings from N0CRD.
Apparently polotics or other has decided to leave out the two N0CRD repeaters in operation in Olathe KS.
442.625 + pl 91.5 and the infamous 6 meter machine built on a hope and a prayer…
52.97 (-) 51.27 Pl 91.5
Both on the air.
Also coordinated was the 10 meter repeater currently being assembled..
29.580 + 29680 PL 91.5


Please contact Brian at the email address posted on the site and I’m sure he’ll get this taken care of.

Paul Heintz


This isn’t a high priority but would it be possible for the repeater listings to have the ability to be exported as .csv or json, or both? It makes it easier to import into bulk programming applications.


Paul W0PRH


For the time being, we decided that presenting the list of coordinated repeaters as a .pdf was probably the most user-friendly way to keep a public listing but make it difficult for certain for-profit companies from stealing the data.

I am also the custodian of the Kansas section of Repeaterbook, and have put alot of work into that site to make sure the Kansas listings are accurate. I would invite you to visit:

From that page you can export the data in various formats that will go directly into the CPS you are using.
Thanks and 73,
Justin NV8Q

Paul Heintz

Hi Justin,

Thank you for getting back with me. My inquiry hopefully wasn’t taken as a criticism:)

I also would like to thank you for all your work keeping the data accurate I have noticed a marked improvement.


Paul W0PRH


Any updates on coordination fees? Will gladly chip in, just need to know when and how. Brian and Justin, thank you both for your hard work!

John, N5API


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